A Decluttered Home = More Calm
Decluttering 101
When visual clutter gets in the way of everyday living, it can be distracting! I know for me, when my house gets out of sorts, I feel out of sorts. So that’s when I pause and hit the “virtual” reset button.
I take the time to put everything back in its place, and I feel a mental and physical shift happen, where I can focus and feel more motivated. I then move forward with simplicity to do the things I want and need to do for me and my family. I am able to give more time to the people I treasure the most, as well as have more time to do what I enjoy.
Simplifying your home is a process. It is a paradox: it can be overwhelming, while also freeing. Tiring, but also life-giving. It is a process you will not regret. I’ve never heard anyone say, “I wish I didn't do it!” :) Ready to learn more?
Start with your WHY.
When you lose your momentum or want to stop, go back to your ‘WHY?’ It keeps you focused and motivated.
Some people respond by repeating aloud their reason, others need a visual cue. Hanging a piece of paper with your ‘why’ will keep you motivated and inspired! Do whatever will resonate most with you.
Choose Your Level of Simplicity
Next, what level of simplicity do you want to live in? You might know immediately what that is or the process may clarify that for you. Keep what is essential to you. It’s not an all-or-nothing mindset. Small steps achieve great gains. I promise it will feel so good!
Here’s some amazing statistics that back up why you should declutter:
When people eliminate clutter from their home, this also ends up eliminating 40% of housework in the average home! National Soap and Detergent Association
An Australian-US study found that people were more likely to eat unhealthy food if they had clutter in their home.
Eliminating clutter increases your ability to focus, according to a 2011 study by Princeton Neuroscience Institute.
4 Tips for De-cluttering:
Start with you. I find it most impactful when you personally experience the benefits of decluttering. After you declutter your home, it becomes more contagious to others, and motivates your loved ones to participate after they see your efforts. You will also begin to live out the benefits of editing your “stuff”.
Take necessary breaks and return to the question “WHY” you are doing this. Home organizing can be tiring physically, mentally, and emotionally, so take as many breaks as you need! Returning to your “why” will also keep you motivated and centered as you organize your home.
Have a - If you can do it quickly, do it now mentality.
Ask yourself 2 questions:
”Who can this help?” Then donate, sell it or give it away.
“If I donate or toss this item, is there something else I can use in the house to get the job done?” It’s surprising how often the answer is, “yes I do.”
Where to Start:
Pick a spot in your home or think of a social media post that made you “ooh” and “aah”. Want inspiration? Head over to the Hygge Home Living instagram page, the Homeedit instagram page, or to the Marie Kondo instagram page.
Is it your makeup, jewelry, accessories, or family command center that needs some TLC? Do you love to bake? Start there as you will feel the impact of your intentions and efforts. You will have more energy to start organizing home in an area you value more.
A quote by Joshua Becker that I love is this: “Minimalism isn’t about removing the things you love. It’s about removing the things that distract you from the things you love.”Decluttering is not just the act of removing unnecessary items from a space. I prefer to think of it simply as “designating a place and purpose for everything you own and want.” When you choose to declutter, it allows you to have more clarity, focus, and time for the people and things that you value the most.
A clutter-free home is the foundation of a Hygge Home. When we declutter the Hygge way: with comfort and purpose in mind, then we experience flow and simplicity in all areas of our life. And the best part is that you’ll end up with a space that is a reflection of YOU - authentic to your lifestyle and aligned with your values.
As a professional organizer, I believe that decluttering is essential to our happiness and well-being. Read on as I will share the basics of the decluttering process and what to expect in a typical tidying session with me. We will discuss the “when,” “why,” “where,” “what,” and “how” when it comes to decluttering. Whether you are wanting to address filing cabinet organization, general home organization, desk organization, or any other type of organization, these components are all important.
WHEN is Decluttering Beneficial?
Decluttering sessions are ideal during times of change or transition such as moving, relocating, births, leading up to holiday, or hosting houseguests. As shared earlier, when you choose to tidy up home spaces, this can significantly help with stress reduction. Especially after a major life event, this can be incredibly helpful and life-giving. Decluttering before a major move can also make it easier to get settled into your new home.
Or simply, clients reach out for help because they’re frustrated with the day-to-day visual clutter that bogs down everyday living or they don’t have the time to do it themselves. If your space feels overcrowded, chaotic, or is getting in your way, then decluttering can help you find balance. Sorting through items you forgot about, clothing you haven’t worn in years, and parts of your home that you haven’t touched in a while can breathe fresh life in your home. You may even notice having less frustration or fewer questions in your home, trying to locate what it is you know or think you have. “A place for everything” is the mantra. :)
WHY: What is Your Why?
Most people do not realize the impact that clutter can have on our subconscious - how we think, feel and move in our homes. Our clutter creates a heavy energy that stays with us throughout our day. Not only that, but 80% of items people keep are never used (pickupplease.com)! Our culture lives in huge excess: US consumers buy 40% of the world’s toys, but only birth 3% of the world’s children. What’s more, most people only wear 20% of their clothing 80% of the time (maids.com). Choosing to reorganize and get rid of unused items can change all of that.
When a decluttering project is successful you will experience:
CLARITY - identifying what does, and doesn’t serve you anymore
CALM - a place for everything, and everything in its place
COMFORT - creating space for what you love and adore
ORDER - allowing you to fully see what you have
EASE - making it easier to clean, tidy and maintain in the future
SIMPLICITY - reducing unnecessary waste and consumption
After clients work with me on a decluttering project, they have expressed how they feel - relaxed, gratified, satisfied, joyful, exhilarated...and LIGHTER. They also noticed an energy shift in their space and their spirits!
WHERE To Get Started
First...take a deep breath. Beginning is the hardest part!
Statistics tell us that 54% of Americans are overwhelmed with the amount of clutter they have, but 78% feel powerless in regards to what to do with all of their stuff (decluttr). What’s more, 25% of US residents do not have space in their garage to park their car (garageliving.com). That is why I’m here to help.
It’s best to start decluttering in the areas of your home that you dread the most, which are often those that are most frequented everyday. The most common zones for initial decluttering include entryways, kitchen cabinets and drawers, pantries, entryways, playrooms, bathrooms, closets, or offices, while more advanced decluttering projects could involve garages, basements or attics.
WHAT Are the Key Steps
Many are surprised to hear that there doesn't need to be a clear-cut process to decluttering. Decluttering can be linear and straightforward, or instead a winding path. Remember, it’s all about progress, not perfection!
There is a general two-phase framework I like to use for decluttering so that clients stay focused and motivated. First, within each area of the home, I will sort your belongings by type/ category. When we create this visual of everything together, you are able to see both the quantity and quality of all that you own, so you can ask yourself. “Do I need it?” This perspective is important. It will inspire you to start making decisions and think twice when you make future purchases.
In the second phase of decluttering, I support you in determining the fate of each item. Note the individual groups and sub-groups below!
KEEP: items you actively need, use or love.
Restore: items to put back in its existing home/place
Rehouse: items to relocate to another area of the house
TOSS: items you do not actively need, use or love
Discard: items to go into the trash or recycling
Donate: items to gift to family/friends, neighbors or the community
MAYBE: items that are undecided or need to be re-evaluated later
It’s important to realize that so many of our attachments to belongings are tied to our memories, deeply ingrained physiological stories and emotions. I understand that letting go can be difficult, so I encourage my clients to do this at their own pace, when they’re ready. I would never shame, guilt or force a client to part with something they're not comfortable saying goodbye to.
HOW to Declutter Effectively
An important point I like to remind my clients of is that decluttering is ongoing, so your spaces and the corresponding benefits are long term and sustainable. Thankfully, once the initial decluttering has been completed, it is so much easier for my clients to maintain it moving forward. If you are spending more time at home these days or just want your house to feel more like ‘home,’ then hiring a home organizer may be one of the best gifts you can give to yourself and your family.
If you’ve never decluttered your home before, need a coach, or want to maximize your time and space, I’m here to provide the expertise, as well as moral and logistical support. When you hire a professional organizer, you are investing in an expert and coach to guide you in achieving your ideal vision and goals. You are resetting your lifestyle and habits.
Hygge Home Living is dedicated to helping clients create living spaces that are comfortable, beautiful and functional. Serving the areas of Fairfield County, CT & Northern Westchester, NY, I can help you edit and organize your home so that you and your family thrive in an environment that works for you and your family’s habits. Reach out today for a free consultation to see how we can help you declutter your way to the Hygge Home of your dreams!
In this post, we talked about the the 4 tips for home organizing:
Be a part of the process firsthand. It is most impactful this way.
Take necessary breaks and remind yourself WHY you are doing this.
If you can do it quickly, do it now mentality
Ask yourself two questions: “”Who can this help?” Secondly, “If I donate or toss this item, is there something else I can use in the house to get the job done?”
Next, we also talked about the “when,” “why,” “where,” “what,” and “how” when it comes to decluttering.
Next steps: start decluttering and home organizing! Or if you are in Fairfield County, CT & Northern Westchester, NY, contact Hygge Home Living for a free consultation and learn a little bit more about our other services.